Tracking the pedigree of the "Wedge of Aiud" back to the last publication, it was written about in RUFOR (Romania's UFO magazine) in 1995, so this is the closest to source material that can be found, unless anyone has a copy of Florin Gheorghitā's book "Enigme in Galaxie" (Galaxy Enigmas). The authors say that they have handled the object of Aiud and provide a good description, as well as several photos that are not reproduced anywhere else.
The original story doesn't deviate much from the reports on line, but it does provide a few valuable insights.
It does talk about the items being "packed in sand", but why pay attention to these three particular packed lumps? All manner of debris comes up from an excation - stones, garbage, wood, etc. which makes me believe that they weren't as "clumpy" as they would have us believe. In any construction excavation, there has to be something visible for the workers to take notice. An important question - what were they digging? There's no mention of the Mures river in this article - just excavation in a sand pit.
The author lists Aluminum as being unobtainable before 1825 (true) and further note that the doping materials were not discovered until recently either. While Aluminum can be said to be non-existent 300 years ago, the alloying agents 'not being discovered' are a misnomer, since many materials were added to iron, brass and bronze in centuries past without understanding their elemental makeup. Further, anything below .01 % is most likely a contaminate - either of the manufacturing process or the recycling process.
Perhaps Gheorghitā's book does specify the name of the aeronautical engineer that calls the Wedge a part of a landing gear, but I didn't find it. Perhaps a better translator or someone with the original book this is quoted from can tell us. I only find that the authors say it resembles this, or else part of a "gear mechanism" with no references to any specific VTOL craft or technology - nor any diagram by an "Aeronautical Engineer"
Here follows an actual diagram of a spacecraft's landing gear from a lunar lander, which doesn't look much like the "Wedge of Aiud"
![]() |
Lunar Lander |
I feel my leg being pulled when I catch authors in a lie. They note that the alloy "does not fall within any of aluminum 'standard alloys' used today or previously" which is unusual since the basic alloy of AL-Cu-Si can be traced back to the beginnings of the 20th century. (See 1936's "Symposium on High-Strength Materials", from the Society for Testing Materials). All other doping agents (except the trace element Galium) are used in various forms of the alloy. It's misleading to say that it's extra strong like none used or known on earth.
Several important points are made which have not been picked up by subsequent publications. First - did this "spacecraft" run into the "hairy rhinoceros" and kill them? The ridiculousness of the author's question makes me wonder about the rest of their conclusions. Second - where are the "hairy rhinoceros" bones that were dug up with the "Object of Aiud?" Since they are part of what gives the object it's age - shouldn't they be included in the article? And third and most shakily - the authors hypothesize that a collision with the "hairy rhinoceros" may have destroyed the whole ship - and killed the rhinoceros. If true, there are more bones and a spacecraft buried at Auid - so why isn't the area being excavated looking for the rest of the spacecraft?
Now follows my translation of the original story from 1995:
RUFOR number 2, 1995. Rediscovered by RUFOR, 22 years later.
Peter Lem, Tibor Reman
An Amazing Discovery: Possibility Alien Object from Aiud
For the first time I can talk about the scandalous object discovered in the summer of 1973 in Aiud, and written about in 1983's "Riddles in the Galaxy" ["Enigme in Galaxie"] by Florin Gheorghe. In Chapter VI, "Views on the Blue Planet" on page 152, the author describes the history of the discovery of (the wedge) of Aiud.
According to the author, in 1973, near Aiud, during the excavation of a sand pit, sitting in a deep layer of about 10 meters, they discovered "three bodies packed in pressed sand" (pg 152) A local specialist "identified one of the bodies as fossil bones" (pg 153). The local specialist taught discoveries in Cluj-Napoca. Here ends the first part of the strange odyssey of discovery.
A Surprise Object
Clujean specialists removed the sediment layer on the largest object. There was no small surprise when they discovered that it was a metal object, oddly shaped, having clear evidence of processing. According to the author, two of the relics were part "of the skeleton of a mastodon" (pg 153) and they were particularly intrigued by the fact that in a geologic layer so old there was a manmade metal object. Clujean specialists sent fragments for Analysis to the Research Center of ICPMMN Magurele.
Another Surprise
An Ancient Aluminum Object!
The analysis conducted confused both archaeologists, as well as specialists in Magurele. The experts said the object was composed of aluminum alloy, with "ingredients" of another rare metals. To review the conclusions of these specialists, the book quoted an engineer: "(...) It was a complex alloy composed of 12 different elements, dosed at different percentages. The main element - big surprise! - Was alumina (89%)! The rest of the elements were found to be an amalgam (in order of size ratios determined) of copper (6.2%), silica (2.84%), zinc (1.81%), lead (0.41%), tin (0.33%), zirconium (0.2%) cadmium (0.11%), nickel (0.0024%), cobalt (0.0023%), bismuth (0.0003%), silver (0.0002%), gallium (trace) ". (Pg 154)
The same specialists were surprised by the aluminum oxide layer on the surface of the object and the state of "aging" of the object itself.
Something About Aluminium
It is known that aluminum was discovered in the laboratory in 1825 by the H. Cr. Oersted. Industrial production could become operational only after the discovery that electric current could be used to perform electrolysis of alumina. The first industrial processing took place in 1883 in the USA: ALCOA; the world's largest aluminum producer.
Usually, aluminum oxidizes slowly. On the material's surface is deposited a layer of aluminum oxide of a few microns, which protects the metal underneath.
The very existence of an aluminum object, sitting in a deep geological layer with an oxide layer less than 1 millimeter, has baffled the metallurgical experts. This aluminum object was processed and, apparently, part of a (machine); made several centuries or millennia before the discovery of aluminum.
The other "ingredients" are no less contradictory: cadmium was discovered in 1817, nickel in 1751, in 1753 bismuth, and cobalt in 1735.
Missed Paths, Paths Found
The sensational Aiud discovery was taken up by several authors, [and we tried to track them]. The response to a letter to Mr Florin Gheorghe in 1987 was a disarming reply: Unfortunately, nobody knows where the object is from Aiud. "I think the same thing will happen as with other strange objects found everywhere in the world of which the latter has lost the "Transylvanian object" as it was called by many authors, remains more a myth than a real and palpable object."
The idea of retrieving this object obsessed the RUFOR magazine. We decided to go "on the wire" ["pe fir"] in our quest of retrieval.
The first thing we did was trying to contact the Auid City Museum. This institution having no phone, I sent a letter in August 1994. Even now I have not received any reply! I began to think that our investigation had come in a blind alley. To get out of the impasse, I decided to contact people at the History Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca.
Our first contact with this prestigious cultural institution occurred in January 1995. Although we expected a skeptical answer, if not ironic, we were informed that there was the OBJECT OF AIUD! And it is in the Heritage Museum in Cluj. Moreover, it was recommended to get in touch with the person who was interested in this discovery, which was concerned with this discovery, which proved to be no more nor less, than Director George Lazarov general manager of the museum Cluj! With this promising information, I phoned Director Lazarovici. Answering, he confirmed that the object exists and that if we want, we can go to Cluj, to study and photograph it. Taking into account the very full program of the Director, I agreed after multiple calls to visit Friday, February 17, 1995.
The Object of Aiud
[On] 17 February, accompanied by our colleague that year, Dr. Adrian Patrice, we have visited the office of the Director General of History Museum of Transylvania Mr. George Lazarovici where we expected. Even before we arrived at the museum they ordered the object removed from storage. So that when I arrived, I had to wait less than than five minutes for the object to be put in our hands!
The object looks [like it is part of a] "tripod" or a landing gear leg. It's "foot" that flat, having 1/3 of the anterior deviation of 15 degrees. In the rear are two "arms" - triangles located at 45 degrees to the plane of the object. Posterior ends display a smaller hole and horizontally, a larger hole (see picture).
The whole object is covered by a thick oxide layer, yellowish white with shades of green and on the top can be seen with the naked eye mechanical etching and wear; the upper part of the large perforation region being eroded visibly either by hitting or mechanical etching, and friction with a harder object (hitting?).
In the following we present the size of this object:
- Overall length: 205 mm;
- Width: 125 mm;
- Height: 68 mm;
- Length "rear arm": 35 mm;
- Diameter hole "small" rear: 18 mm;
- Diameter hole "big", perpendicular to the axis: 47 mm;
- Hole depth "big": 35 mm;
- Weight (without the core extracted for analysis: 2.300 kg.
A New Possibility of Date
As mentioned, the book sets out Florin Gheorghe's idea that fossil bones found alongside the object, in the same geological layer, are mastodon bones.
General Manager Mr. George Lazarov made in this regard, a number of extremely important points. According to his statements, the bones found belong to a species of hairy rhinoceros. ["rinocerul pāros"]
These hairy rhinoceros lived within our country's geographical area during the Pleistocene period (10 000 and 80 000 years ago)(...). This period was contemporary with Neanderthal human habitat. This interglacial period can be characterized by a fairly harsh climates, (...) and tundra. This possible dating is extremely important. In any case, as a first conclusion, we can say only that the object of aluminum comes from a geological layer where the corresponding human ancestors were not only ignorant of aluminum, but were in the Paleolithic period.
Analysis in Switzerland
Dr Marian Pasia, retired engineer in Cluj, was interested in looking closely at the "specimen from Aiud". He confirmed that a piece extracted from this object was examined by a specialist laboratory in Lausanne (Switzerland).
Swiss experts have confirmed that the structure of the object, was the same as that described by specialists in Magurele. They also determined that the alloy does not fall within any of aluminum "standard alloys" used today, or used previously. The item itself has been defined as "angular aluminum", ["aluminiu slab"] so it is tough aluminum and possesses an "angle of protection", ["unghiuri de proiectant"] the which denotes an artificially created object.
[Translators note: "slab" can also be translated as "weak" or "mergre". The chosen translation is "angular" because the further word "unghiuri" is translated as "angle of"; again modifying the description of Aluminum.]
Based on the oxide layer and the "aging" of aluminum, Prof. Stoicovici concluded that the object could have a minimum age of 300-400 years. But, according to other experts quoted, and Eng. Florin Gheorghe, the age could be several thousand years. Given the minimum age of the object, in no way could it have been made after the "accepted age" of the discovery, production and industrialization of aluminum.
Some Preliminary Conclusions
Chemical and metallographic analyses taken into account, one can deduce that the object found in Aiud in 1973, has an age that can be placed between 300 and 80 000 years. In any case this proposed age is in flagrant contradiction with what is known about the discovery and use of aluminum in the history of human technology.
Geological stratification in which the object was discovered is at least contemporaneous with hairy rhinoceroses whose fossils were found in the same petrified "clots".["cheguri"] Further proof of this last hypothesis is the depth (about 10 m) where the object was found.
Another conclusion: the object is an artifact created by ancient methods of "engineering". The two existing holes and existence of the "posterior arms" lead us to believe that the subject concerned has been part of an gear mechanism or larger machine.
What Could It Be?
Of course, the temptation to make assumptions is high.
However, we can not be faulted for noting that the shape and characteristics of this object strikingly resembles the landing gear of robot space probes.
As Florin Gheorghe's works indicate, the object may have collided with a (...) being from a bygone time period (hairy rhinoceros) and been partially damaged - losing part of the landing gear and killing "curiosity"? ["curiosului"] Or, hypothetically, if the object was destroyed entirely, does it remain hidden somewhere deep in the ground near the Aiud?
If, indeed, it's a component of a flying object which survives the Pleistocene tundra, who built it and where did it come from? One possible answer is difficult to give but a possible confirmation of this will cause shivers.
A Unique Object in the World
Metallic objects (iron or steel), found in coal mines, in geological layers is millions of years old, have been written about very much. But today, little remains but descriptions of the objects in question. It also speaks of the existence of an aluminum plate, discovered in the tombs of an ancient Chinese Imperator, but all the related literature has not been seen by an approved researcher. Doru Davidovich, in his book "Galactic Worlds" speaks of a "Goddess of Orichalcum", ["zeitā din oricalc"] discovered in a coal mine somewhere in conditions more than mysterious.
Of all the panoply of more-than-strange evidence in this area (Another terrestrial civilization? Another technology? Visitors from elsewhere in the cosmos?) ALL THAT EXISTS, ALL THAT WAS EXAMINED AND STUDIED BY EXPERTS, ALL THAT WAS "REDISCOVERED" AND PHOTOGRAPHED is nearby at the History Museum of Transylvania in Cluj-Napoca. It is not unlikely that this artefact discovered in Auid will change our vision of the technology of man and of the universe.
There was previously a story in "Galaxy Enigmas" and a subsequent story in a Hungarian publication.
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